Music Review: "Buckminster" by Driftless Pony Club

Posted by Hunter on 6/18/2011 04:21:00 PM

Driftless Pony Club is easily one of my favorite bands of all time. They recently did a East Coast tour and came to Texas, sadly I was unable to attend them. I could have seen both shows, but I wasn't able to. Which made me incredibly sad, so I did the next best thing. I wore my DPC shirt and listened to "Buckminster" for about two weeks. I listened to the album for two weeks, not wore the shirt for two weeks. Anyways, onto the review.

Track One - "When We Live in Circles and Eat on Merry-Go-Rounds"
Catchy song overall, even now the chorus of the song runs wild in my mind. Takes forever to get it out of your head. Good opener for the album, I was really expecting something a little more rocky for the opening and I would be lying to say I wasn't a little disappointed. Personal preference aside, this is a good, solid opener.
Rating: 4 out of 5

Track Two - "House of 1982 Built Like a Ship"
Another great beat from DPC and the chorus is just amazing. The drummer, Nathan, really shines in this song and Craig's vocals just make this song for me. Once you hear the beat, it is just near impossible to get it out of your head. If I had to chose, this would be my favorite song of the album. Really upbeat and really rocking.
Rating: 5 out of 5

Track Three -  "He Plans Houses Like Trees"
Great chorus once again. This song is near flawless, but the only thing that takes away from the song, and I hate to admit it, is Craig's vocals just don't seem to meet up with the rest of the song, his voice is almost drowned out in the middle of the song. The beat was still rocking and it is just a great song vocals aside.
Rating: 4.5 out of 5

Track Four - "Inspectors of Inspectors"
This song is just awesome. Craig's vocals really make this song what it is. Every band member seemed to be on their A-game with this song. The opening guitar rift is just solid and the drums throughout the song are just amazing. Not to mention the synth is great as well. Big props to Craig on this song.
Rating: 5 out of 5

Track Five - "We're Cheap Already"
The guitar opening on this song is once again great. Although it does seem to get toned down right after it, but that doesn't matter because when the drums kick in, you would completely forget. Another great piece by Nate. It is easy to pick up on the indie influences in these songs and they just flow perfectly with the entire album. Anyways, the chorus on this song and breakdown near the end are really sweet. Although, this song just feels somewhat out of place to me and doesn't seem to fit with the rest of the album.
Rating: 3.75 out of 5

Track Six - "A Letter to Michael"
A weird song, but really, all of the songs on this album are weird. I don't really like this song as much as I want to, it is a good song overall, but the vocals are just kinda meh. It's not even that long of a song of course, but still. It seems more like filler than anything else.
Rating: 2 out of 5

Track Seven - "El Cid III"
A nice relief from the last two songs, one with a really solid guitar rift, and sweet drums in the background. Catchy chorus and infectious beat throughout the entire song. Another highlight of the album by far. The vocals one this one aren't at the level I've grown to love, but they aren't bad in any way, shape, or form. The little breakdown after the halfway mark is just really good, then it kicks right back into the chorus. Good stuff.
Rating: 4 out of 5

Track Eight - "Dymaxion Chronofile"
Awesome guitar at the start? Check. An awesome beat? Check. Craig kicking ass on the vocals? Check. Sam, Matt, and Nate kicking ass altogether? Check. I just can't seem to stop talking about the choruses, but I have to, they are so catchy I can't get them out of my head. This song is easily the hardcore rocker of the album and it keeps the same tone throughout the song. Sam's bass really allows me to enjoy this song to the fullest. I'd say this is my second favorite track.
Rating: 5 out of 5

Track Nine - "American Princes"
A nice, slow opening with some sweet bass from Sam, then following into a great delivery of guitar by Matt. The early vocals remind me very much of Kurt Cobain and it seems to be following into that tone, then out of nowhere the tempo picks up, and the cymbals start crashing. Craig's vocals on this song are a mix for me, I love them in parts of it, and I hate them in other parts. The guitar in the middle gets boring, but picks up afterwards. Nice breakdown about 3/4th of the way in to the end.
Rating: 4 out of 5

Track Ten - "Safe as Houses"
A solid closer that just makes me feel warm inside. Really upbeat and somewhat poppy, Craig's vocals in this short song make the song of course. The acoustic guitar gives it that really warm sound that would remind someone of a better time. I can't really say too much more about the song as it just seems to really focus on Craig's voice and the acoustic guitar I assume is played by Matt. The drums aren't up to standard, but they are still great.
Rating: 3.5 out of 5

Overall Rating: 4.75 out of 5
This rating may seem a little bias and in some parts it is, but I just truly love Driftless Pony Club and this album is overall just great. Mostly all the songs off the album were hits with me, just two misses. Great stuff and I applaud each and every band mate for this wonderful album. I look forward to whatever else you guys release, I'll be there to pre-order it as soon as possible. Keep up the great work guys. And overall, sorry if this review is a little rough around the edges, it is my first in a super long time.


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