Quick Movie Review: Super 8

Posted by Etaoin on 6/27/2011 07:35:00 PM

Drctd by: J.J. Abrams; Starring: Joel Courtney, Elle Fanning, and Kyle Chandler; Wrttn by: J.J. Abrams

Released: June 10, 2011 (USA)
Run Time: 112 min.
Rating: PG-13

Synopsis: In the 1970s, a group of friends trying to film a movie, happen across a mysterious train crash. Soon after strange things start to happen all across the town.

This is definitely a throw-back, sci-fi film that everyone can enjoy. There are prevelent Spielberg-y (one of the films producers) characteristics involved, but J.J. Abrams is the primary driving force and you can tell.

Usually, in movies, child actors are the worst part and hardly watchable, except for in special cases. I kid you not when I say, the entire young cast was wonderful; sometimes out-acting their adult coutnerparts. Everyone held their own; Joel Courtney, Riley Griffiths, Ryan Lee, Gabriel Basso, Zach Mills, and Elle Fanning. They could all have bright futures ahead of them. And I hope they do.

Joel Courtney was able to portray a whole range of emotion; Riley Griffiths was great with the dramatics and a little humorous; Ryan Lee (who played my favorite character) was hilarious and bad-ass; Gabrel Basso was great at worry-ing; and Elle Fanning is, well, a fanning.

The adults were also good. Kyle Chandler and Ron Eldard are believable. And I always love Noah Emmerick.

Even the supporting cast was a joy to watch.

This is just a great cast. And I couldn't have asked for a better one for this movie.

The sci-fi is all there; the drama is appropriate; the sense of humor is great; there is a saddness that you can't help but feel for; the story is above average.

There did seem to be something missing, but it could just be nothing. Maybe it was a lack of sense of danger?

And I also had some issues, especially dealing with the train crash. *spoilers* (1) Elle Fannings car wasn't even scratched, while everything around it was destroyed. (2) The guy who caused the crash, shouldn't have lived, I mean, come on. *end spoilers*

I love the heart and character this movie had. There are some parts that will just break your heart. The characters were all-around wonderful and made me wish I could have an epic adventure with my friends back in the day.

I will say this, I loved David Gallagher (7th heaven), as the drug dealing, camera store guy. He was hilarious.

"Drugs are so bad."

Now, I can't really comment on if whether, or not, it was like the 70s (since  I wasn't born anywhere near there), but to my naive eye, it seemed pretty close.


The monster/alien is passable and better than I thought it was going to be.
The monster looks like a cross between General Grievous (Star Wars) and Pan (Pan's Labyrinth)


Ruling: 3.5/5

One of my summer favorites. An instant classic.


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